About Down Arts Centre
Located in the heart of Downpatrick, Down Arts Centre is the operational base for the arts in Downpatrick and the surrounding area. Part of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council's Enterprise, Regeneration and Tourism department, based in the beautiful old Town Hall, Down Arts Centre features a vibrant programme that includes performances, exhibitions and workshops throughout the year.
Down Arts Centre is open to the public Monday to Friday 10am – 4.30pm
Box Office: 0330 137 4014
Email: downartscentre@nmandd.org
Guide Prices For Down Arts Centre
Concessions: Performance and Adult Classes/Workshops
Concessionary tickets apply to full time students, people over 60, those claiming unemployment benefit or registered disabled.
Special Assistance in Down Arts Centre
Down Arts Centre is wheelchair accessible with a lift to all levels of the building, low level access at the box office and allocated wheelchair spaces in the auditorium. Disabled patrons can avail of a complimentary ticket for an escort if they require one. Please notify staff of any special requirements they may have when purchasing tickets.
Booking Information for Down Arts Centre
Tickets for performances and workshops can be booked on-line, by telephoning the box office on 0330 137 4014 and in person at Down Arts Centre.
Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded.
Latecomers cannot be admitted.
Down Arts Centre reserves the right to change or cancel events or refuse admission.
Artist Bursary Schemes in Down Arts Centre
In line with the Council’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2022 – 2027: Growing our Sector – strengthen and our culture, arts and heritage sector following the impact of the Covid pandemic Newry Mourne and Down Council have introduced a bursary scheme to support artist and their practice. The Council by supporting the individuals that attend these centres of excellence such and the Tyrone Guthrie Centre, is promoting the District as one that recognises and supports the artistic achievement of its local artists and residents.
Breakdown of Artist Bursary/Individual Artist Grant available
All assessed through application and selection process - call for applications will be made the week of 16 January 2023 and the awards in March 2023.
4 x Tyrone Guthrie Bursaries
2 x John Hewitt Summer School
2 x Individual Artist Grants