Between September 2024 and Easter 2025, DAERA Forest Service will be undertaking tree harvesting works at Kilbroney Forest Park. PLEASE ADHERE TO ALL ON-SITE SIGNAGE, BARRIERS AND BANKSMAN GUIDANCE.
The works are taking place in two locations:
- An area on the Southeastern boundary of the Park below the Ballynagelty viewpoint.
- A section of the Mourne Way walking trail.
Harvesting Area 1
Forested area below the Ballynagelty viewpoint (walkers) and Kodak Corner (mountain bikers).
Between November 2024 and Spring 2025
Trees in Rostrevor forest, showing discoloration of foliage, have been diagnosed with a plant disease called Phytopthora ramorum. To manage the impact of the disease, and to maintain sustainable forest management, DAERA Forest Service will undertake phased felling of the affected trees. This is a long-term programme of work. For further DAERA information on management of the disease click here.
Walkers and mountain bikers are advised to stay on formal signposted trails when close to this area.
Between January and Easter 2025, the Forest Drive will close midweek to facilitate tree haulage. Please be aware that haulage lorries will be operating in both directions on this one-way road.
Click here to download a copy of the map (below).

Harvesting Area 2
The forested areas on either side of the first 650m of the Mourne Way walking route (starting at the back of the Kilbroney Caravan Park)
Between September 2024 and Spring 2025
Forest Service NI manage this area of woodland under a Low impact Silvicultural System (LISS). This continuous cover silvicultural system aims to improve biodiversity and the resilience of the forest, whilst retaining tree cover. The planned forest operations include harvesting interventions to reduce the density of conifer trees in the canopy. This will allow light to penetrate onto the forest floor and promote ground flora development as well as the natural regeneration of tree species. The harvesting operations target the thinning of conifers, thereby promoting native oak and ground flora development. There are also small areas of wind-blown trees that will be cleared during the works. The overall management objective for this area of woodland is to develop a multi-storey uneven aged forest with increased biodiversity benefits.
Walkers – additional caution required along the start of the Mourne Way walking route.
Mountain Bikers - closure of sections 41 to 43 on the red trail (diversions in place).
Machinery will be working to remove selected trees then stack these close to the road verge. Upon completion, haulage lorries will be operating in both directions on the Mourne Way to remove the harvested timber.

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