From Monday 22 April 2024, there is a new car parking permit and charging system at our four main parks Slieve Gullion Forest Park, Kilbroney Park, Castlewellan Forest Park and Delamont Country Park.
FREE entry into one park of choice with a ‘single-park permit’ is available to each registered household address within the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council area.
Permits are available at the car park offices of all four parks (9am - 5pm). Residents must either produce a valid driving licence OR photographic ID and a document that shows your current address.
There are a range of permit options for both residents and non-residents.
Please read on for further details and to access a range of Q&As.
The cost of parking charges and permits will vary depending on whether or not the visitor is a district resident.
There is no charge to enter the park on foot or on bicycle, with access arrangements and routes unchanged.
To view the privacy policy for Forest / Country Park vehicle parking please click here.

District Resident Charges
Each registered household address within the Newry, Mourne and Down District Council area will be entitled to one ‘single-park permit’, granting free entry into one park of their choice, up to 31 March 2025. Permits can be collected at the car park office of their chosen park. Please present your valid driving licence or photographic ID accompanied by a valid utility bill (dated within the last three months). Vehicle entry to the three remaining parks will incur a charge. Alternatively, residents can buy an All-park permit for all four parks, see tables below:

Non-Resident Charges
Non-Residents can also choose to purchase a parking permit that best suits their needs. Visitors that are unable to produce valid ID with a Newry, Mourne and Down District address will incur the following parking charges:

Please note that the parking permit scheme is under continuous review and T&Cs may be subject to change.
Collection of District Resident permits requires photographic and addressed ID in the name of the person collecting the permit e.g. a valid driving licence OR photographic ID and a document that shows your current address.
Only one free ‘single-park’ permit is permitted per household. Collection of free permits will be recorded to prevent duplicate collections.
Car parking permits are only applicable to vehicles that seat up to 7 persons.
Minibus parking permits are only applicable to vehicles that seat 8 to 24 persons.
Permits are non-refundable.
Original permits MUST be presented on each entry. Duplicated permits (including photographs or photocopies) will not be accepted.
Lost, stolen or damaged permits cannot be replaced.
Permits are valid to 31 March 2025.
Entry permitted during Park opening hours only.
Entry is subject to availability in the car park.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I collect my free ‘single-park’ resident permit?
Simply drive to your chosen park and produce a valid driving licence OR photographic ID and a document that shows your current address to the car park attendant. Before issuing the permit, the attendant will check that the address is within the Newry, Mourne and Down District and that a free permit has not already been issued against that address. If the address is not found to be within the district (or the free permit has already been issued) then the relevant entry charges will apply.
What forms of identification and proof of address are acceptable?
Residents must either produce a valid driving licence OR photographic ID and a document that shows your current address.
You can select ID from the list below:
current driving licence photocard (full or provisional)
current passport (any nationality)
60+ or Senior (65+) Smartpass issued by Translink (NI)
electoral ID card (NI only)
From the list below, you must use documents issued in the last three months:
utility bill
credit card statement
bank or building society statement
central or local government, government agency, or local council document giving entitlement, for example from the Department for Work and Pensions, benefit statement such as child benefit or pension.
Can I purchase a permit online or over the phone?
No. Permits can only be purchased in person at the four Forest/Country parks. No exceptions apply.
How can I pay?
Payment can be accepted in both card and cash at the car park offices.
How long is my new permit valid for?
Permits run in line with the financial year, ending each 31 March and requiring annual renewal thereafter.
Is there a limit to the number of times I can use my parking permit?
No. You can use your permit to access the applicable Park/s as often as you like throughout the period of validity however access is subject to availability in the car parks and is limited to park opening hours.
Will district residents still be entitled to a free permit after 31 March 2025?
The new vehicle parking arrangements will be reviewed by Council following the first six months of operation with any proposed changes notified to the public.
If I have more than one car can I request additional free ‘single-park’ permits?
No. District residents are only entitled to one free ‘single-park’ permit per registered household address. For additional vehicles, a resident can purchase an 'all park’ permit (£25) or pay the daily entry rate.
If I lose my free ‘single-park’ permit can I request a replacement?
No. Permits cannot be replaced. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to take care of the original permit and to ensure that it is present in the vehicle on all entries. On losing a permit, the resident can purchase an ‘all-park’ permit at £25.
I live in a dwelling of multiple occupancy, is each occupant entitled to a free 'single-park’ permit?
No. Each registered district household address is only entitled to one free ‘single-park’ permit. Persons that live within a dwelling of multiple occupancy are advised to make arrangements to share the free permit.
Do I need to present the permit each time I visit the park?
Yes. To reduce queuing times, we advise that you place the original permit in your front windscreen, thus allowing the park attendant to wave your vehicle through. In the absence of a visible permit (or when the permit colour relates to another park), the park attendant will signal the vehicle to stop.
What do the permits look like?
The permits are a circular disk that is designed to be applied to the inside of the front windscreen (ideally on the driver's side). The single-park permits come in four separate colours, representing the particular park to which they apply. The ‘all-park permit’ is black. The permit is designed so that it can be easily removed from the windscreen and moved to another vehicle.
What happens if I forget my permit?
It is the holder's responsibility to ensure that the original permit is present in the vehicle on all entries. No exceptions apply.
Vehicles without a permit will be required to pay the daily rate or purchase another permit for entry. The type and cost of permits available is dependent on whether the visitor is a district resident. District residents without a valid ID will be required to pay non-resident rates.
Are there specific times when charges apply?
Yes, charges apply from 9am – 5pm. The car park offices will not be manned outside of these times.
Park opening hours are as follows:
- March and October 9am - 6pm
- April and September 9am - 8pm
- May to August 9am - 9pm
- November to February 9am - 5pm.
Will there be a barrier in place?
No, there won’t be a barrier in place. Permits and charges will be managed by Car Park Attendants at offices located prior to the car parks.
What will vehicle parking income be used for?
The revenue generated from vehicle parking will be used for the ongoing development and maintenance of these award-winning parks.
Do I still need a permit or have to pay if I’m only visiting a café or forest drive?
Yes. You will need to pay or present a valid permit to gain vehicle entry beyond the car park offices between 9am and 5pm each day.
Do I still need a permit or have to pay if I’m participating or spectating at an event?
Yes. You will need to pay or present a valid permit to gain vehicle entry beyond the car park offices between 9am and 5pm each day. Parking charges will not apply to events taking place outside of these times. Some events may choose to build the cost of parking into the participant’s event fee. It will be up to the event organiser to arrange and communicate this to participants in advance.