Official website for NMD Museums


  • Down Gaol
    Categories: DownGaolmuseum

    New Life in the Old Gaol

    In the latest blog in our series about the Gaol, Down County Museum looks at how the Old Gaol was used after the New Gaol was built in Downpatrick

  • Black and white modern drawing of the Gates to the New Gaol in Downpatrick. The gatehouse is imposing, constructed from granite and sandstone, with a central block showing 3 arches in the middle which are flanked by two wings with framed windows. The artists sketch shows two figures in front of the central gate under the biggest archway, and the top of the arch is approximately three times the height of an adult.
    Categories: Historypunishmentcrime

    The New Gaol of Downpatrick

    In the latest blog in our series about the Gaol, Down County Museum looks at the New Gaol, and describes how it was meant to improve on conditions experienced in the Old Gaol.

  • Black and white drawing of a horse-drawn open cart taking prisoners away for transportation. The horse is being led by a soldier on foot. The soldier is carrying his musket with the butt on the ground, suggesting he is standing still. The soldier is wearing a tricorn hat and a uniform with braided front. The cart behind is an open wooden cart on two wheels. It holds three prisoners, one seated and visibly chained. The poses of the two standing prisoners suggest tiredness.

    Sentenced to transportation: stories from the old gaol

    Continuing Down County Museum's blog series on our past as the county gaol, Museum Assistant Pat Fox reveals some of the stories of the prisoners who were transported to Australia, many of whom never returned to Ireland.

  • Three smiling women face the camera, with a shoe-making machine in the centre of the picture. Clearly visible is one of the rotary brushes used to polish the shoe leather, and resting on top of the machine is one of a pair of black leather heeled women's shoes.
    Categories: HistoryHolocaustmuseum object

    Down County Museum reflects on Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

    This month’s blog comes from a special contributor, Shirley Lennon, who worked on a Down County Museum project which brought together the stories of Jewish refugees who came to Millisle farm.

    As the UK marks Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th 2024, please read the blog to discover how an otherwise ordinary item donated to Down County Museum becomes so significant because of its links to survivors of the Holocaust.

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