Categories: Things To DoWalking

Filmed over a full year - take a breathtaking timelapse journey through the 4 seasons in the Mourne Mountains, some one of the most scenic landmarks on the Island of Ireland. ‘Mourne’ explores the beautiful and rugged landscapes of the Kingdom of Mourne.

Shot over a full year, from September 2020 to September 2021, Richard Watson set himself the ambitious aim to capture the most comprehensive timelapse study of the Mourne Mountains and one that felt true to the challenging conditions the landscape presents.

So take a moment to read the backstory, written by Richard himself and prepared to be amazed by 'Mourne' the timelapse.

The project involved over 100 treks with a weight of 20kg and 40 wild camps many in sub zero conditions. I've never been as cold and battered by the elements. The driving rain. Wind strong enough to blow you off your feet. Hiking in snow up to your waist. The year felt like a battle. I like to think the mountains won. It really has been a labour of love, spending countless hours capturing the slow transition of the seasons. Watching the land, textures and colours slowly change, the clouds caressing and spilling over mountain peak and valleys.

In a year where the world paused, COVID-19 and lockdown seemed to bring everything to a grinding halt. Time seemed to stand still yet move so fast and it seemed fitting to focus on time itself. So I threw myself into this long-term project. It felt ironic to slow down to a stop, sitting for hours on end behind the lens watching the landscape transform, only to then speed it up into this 6 minute film.

2020 changed our perception of what is really important in life and what we take for granted. What is superfluous, what truly matters. When all we felt we had lost was the simple and painful longing to be outside. There was no better place on earth to feel isolated. At times I've never felt so alive. Others I’ve never felt so alone. Perfectly alone. This is Mourne…





Mourne footage is available for licensing in 4K resolution with many clips available in up to 8K.

For professional inquiries please contact Richard directly at